Ex parte FEIST - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1997-3342                                                        
          Application No. 08/389,086                                                  

          on page 42 of Exhibit A prior to May 27, 1993, the effective                
          date of the Vandemoortele reference.  We do not agree.  The                 
          affidavit unequivocally states at paragraph 2 that “[p]rior to              
          May 27, 1993, I had completed my invention as described and                 
          claimed in the subject application in this country.”  The                   
          affidavit also states at paragraph 2b that “[t]he product                   
          depicted in the laboratory notebook was made and tested prior               
          to May 27, 1993.”  In support thereof, the affidavit is                     
          accompanied by Exhibit A, a copy of pages 41 through 43 of                  
          affiant’s laboratory notebook.   Notebook page 42 contains a5                                             
          drawing in the upper right-hand corner of a diaper having “Z                
          fold at ends.”  Immediately below this drawing is an end view               
          of the product showing the Z fold and the words “Z fold in                  
          cuffs glued in place.”  Page 43 of Exhibit A includes an entry              
          noting that                                                                 
               Ed Carlin and Dan Falcone modified some [illegible]                    
               IBC Trimfit product to see how this cuff design                        
               would work on [date redacted].  The cuff looked good                   
               on the diaper so on [date redacted], we made one at                    
               [illegible] (me & Jim Gajewski for his packet                          
               orientation).  Jim then tried it on his daughter                       

               As permitted by Office procedure, appellant has removed the dates on5                                                                     
          the notebook pages in Exhibit A.  See Manual of Patent Examining Procedure  
          (MPEP) § 715.07 (7th ed., Jul. 1998).                                       

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