Ex parte HILL et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-3512                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/482,034                                                  

          having first (40) and second (44) layers having the same                    
          doping type                                                                 
          (specification, page 5) and approximately the same doping                   
          concentration (specification, page 8).  Representative claim                
          17 is reproduced as follows:                                                
               17. A method of fabricating a bipolar transistor,                      
          comprising the steps of:                                                    
               providing a material structure including an emitter layer              
          abutting a base structure, wherein said base structure                      
          comprises first and second layers of semiconductor having the               
          same doping type and approximately the same doping                          
          concentration, said first layer having a wider bandgap than                 
          said second layer;                                                          
               removing portions of said emitter layer to leave an                    
          emitter mesa on said base structure; and                                    
               forming base contact metallization on said first layer of              
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Liu et al. (Liu)         5,330,932                Jul. 19, 1994             
          Gaw et al. (Gaw) (EP)    0 384 113                Aug. 29, 1990             
               Claims 17, 18 and 20 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. §                  
          102(b) as anticipated by, or in the alternative, under 35                   
          U.S.C. § 103 as obvious over Gaw.                                           

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