Ex parte GOSSELIN et al. - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1997-3785                                                        
          Application No. 08/527,591                                                  

          the case in the appellants’ invention.  The remaining two                   
          applied references do not alter the principles of operation of              
          the Cmejrek system.                                                         
               It therefore is clear to us that one of ordinary skill in              
          the art would not have been taught by Cmejrek to insure that                
          the temperature of the gases exhausting from a boiler or the                
          like was adequate to accomplish the desired level of purging                
          by “raising the temperature” of the gases at all, much less                 
          doing so to a “part” of the gases “prior to entry” of the                   
          gases into the component that is to be purged, as is required               
          by claim 1.                                                                 
               The mere fact that the prior art could be modified does                
          not make such a modification obvious absent suggestion of the               
          desirability of doing so.  See, for example, In re Gordon, 733              
          F.2d 900, 902, 221 USPQ 1125, 1127 (Fed. Cir. 1984).  In the                
          present case, we fail to perceive any teaching, suggestion or               
          incentive in the applied references which would have led one                
          of ordinary skill in the art to modify the Greco system in the              
          manner proposed by the examiner.  It appears to us that the                 
          only suggestion for doing so is found in the hindsight                      
          accorded one who first viewed the appellants’ disclosure.                   


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