Ex parte WEISEMANN et al. - Page 2

               Appeal No. 1997-3898                                                                                             
               Application No. 08/116,382                                                                                       

                      strain of luminescent microorganism within the chromatographic system                                     
                      itself, and determining a reduction in the luminescence of said                                           
                      microorganisms, said reduction in the luminescence of said microorganisms                                 
                      indicating that said separated component is toxic.                                                        
                      The references relied on by the examiner are:                                                             
               Jordon et al. (Jordon)                       3,370,175                     Feb. 20, 1968                         
               Bostick et al. (Bostick)                     4,357,420                     Nov.   2, 1982                        
               Drucker et al. (Drucker)             WO 85/00890                           Feb. 28, 1985                         
                      (published international application)                                                                     
               Bjorseth et al. (Bjorseth), "Detection of Mutagens in Complex Samples by the Salmonella                          
               Assay Applied Directly on Thin-Layer Chromatography Plates," Science, Vol. 215, No.                              
               4528, pp. 87-89 (1982)                                                                                           
                      Claims 8 through 17 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                                      
               unpatentable over Jordon or Drucker in view of Bjorseth and Bostick.  We REVERSE.                                
                      In reaching our decision in this appeal we have given careful consideration to the                        
               appellants' specification and claims and to the respective positions articulated by the                          
               appellants and the examiner.  We make reference to the Examiner's Answer (Paper No.                              
               21, mailed May 8, 1997) for the examiner's reasoning in support of the rejection and to the                      
               appellants' Brief (Paper No. 18, filed February 10, 1997), request for reconsideration and                       
               declaratory evidence (Paper Nos. 19 and 20, filed May 6, 1997) and Reply Brief (Paper                            
               No. 23, filed August 12, 1997) for the appellants' arguments thereagainst.                                       

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