Ex parte LEE et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-0169                                                        
          Application 08/542,603                                                      

               We have carefully reviewed the rejections on appeal in                 
          light of the arguments of the appellants and the examiner.  As              
          a result of this review, we have determined that the applied                
          prior art does not establish a prima facie case of                          
          anticipation or obviousness with respect to the claimed                     
          subject matter.  Accordingly, we will reverse the rejections                
          of the claims on appeal.                                                    
               It is our finding that Abbate discloses a fastener for                 
          fastening a water closet or toilet to the closet flange                     
          attached to the floor in a bathroom.  The fastener of Abbate                
          has a first elongated stud portion with a foot portion rigidly              
          attached thereto and discloses using a fastener on the                      
          threaded part of the stud portion.  In this respect, our                    
          findings are in congruence with the findings of the examiner.               
          However, the examiner makes the further finding that the ring-              
          shaped closet flange 4 of Abbate could be used as a bone                    
          implant.  Examiner's Answer at 4, line 1.  The examiner has                 
          included no evidence or a convincing line of reasoning to                   
          support this factual finding.  Since it is not readily                      


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Last modified: November 3, 2007