Appeal No. 1998-0180 Application No. 08/471,309 However, the first alternative reading with respect to the Liu reference does not appear to establish a case for anticipation, absent extrinsic evidence to support the interpretation. In column 4, lines 21 et seq. of the reference, Liu states that each section shown in Figure 7 is fabricated as shown in Figure 6. Column 3, lines 16 et seq. of the reference discloses that the embodiment of Figures 5 and 6 consists of two waveguide sections, with “the inner wall...omitted from the first section and an outer wall 24 forms a circular waveguide.” As the examiner points out, Liu prefaces the statement regarding omission of the inner wall with “[a]t this bandwidth,” which appears to suggest that at some other bandwidths the inner wall would be present. However, it is not clear that it necessarily follows that the innermost waveguide (52) shown in Figure 7 has both an inner and an outer conducting surface. We have considered the examiner’s position set forth in the Final Rejection and the Answer, but are not persuaded that the embodiment of Figure 7 discloses an innermost waveguide that is coaxial. As such, we find that the limitations of Claim 1 are not met by the first alternative reading of the claims on the reference. The second alternative offered is that there are at least two coaxial waveguides shown in Figure 7; namely a first waveguide 54 propagating the TE mode (at 8-16 GHz) and a second waveguide 56 11 propagating the TE mode (at 8-16 GHz), with a conducting surface common to waveguide 54 and 21 waveguide 56. (See Final Rejection, page 3.) Appellant never directly addresses this interpretation of - 5 -Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007