Ex parte BENOIT et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 1998-0275                                                        
          Application No. 08/467,484                                                  

          claims 26 and 27 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being              
          unpatentable over Kallmann in view of Lee et al., Solomon and               
               Upon careful consideration of the opposing arguments                   
          presented on appeal, we concur with appellants that the                     
          examiner has not established a prima facie case of obviousness              
          for the claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, we will not                   
          sustain the examiner's rejections.                                          
               Although we do not subscribe to appellants' position that              
          Solomon is based on the use of oriented polypropylene ,1                      
          appellants have advanced arguments pertaining to specific                   
          claim limitations recited in independent claim 19 which have                
          not been addressed by the examiner.  To wit, appellants submit              
          that there is no prior art disclosure of orienting the first                
          and second layers in the transverse direction to a degree                   
          which is at least three times greater than the degree of                    
          orientation present in the machine direction (paragraph                     
          bridging pages 3 and 4 of brief), and "there is no disclosure               
          laminating a first layer to second layer so that the                        

               We find no reference to polypropylene in the disclosure of Solomon,1                                                                     
          which seems directed to bi-axially-oriented polymeric films in general.     

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