Ex parte GOOD et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-0509                                                        
          Application 08/236,771                                                      

               This is a decision on appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from                
          the final rejection of claims 1-30.                                         
               We reverse.                                                            
               The disclosed invention is directed to an apparatus to                 
          mount a disk drive to a frame so as to not cause distortion                 
          to the housing of the disk drive.                                           
               Claim 1 is reproduced below.                                           
                    1.  An apparatus for storing data comprising:                     
               a housing for the apparatus for storing data, said                     
               housing having openings therein; and                                   
               an insert within one of the openings of the housing,                   
               said insert including an electrical insulating                         
               material, and wherein the insert contains an opening                   
               that can receive a fastener, wherein the fastener                      
               fastens the housing to a frame by turning, and wherein                 
               the insert reduces distortion of the housing caused by                 
               torque of the fastener, wherein the torque results from                
               the fastener turning.                                                  

                                   THE PRIOR ART                                      
               The Examiner relies on the following prior art patents:                
               Worthing                 4,846,612        July 11, 1989                
               Dupree                   4,952,107      August 28, 1990                
               Wollar                   5,039,267      August 13, 1991                
               Remise et al. (Remise)   5,136,466       August 4, 1992                

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