Ex parte LIEBMANN - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-0723                                                        
          Application 08/570,851                                                      

               The disclosed invention pertains to a computer                         
          implemented method of design verification for asymmetric phase              
          shift mask layouts.  The invention is used to efficiently                   
          indicate to a designer whether a basic phase shifted mask                   
          design is met throughout the entire chip design.                            
          Representative claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                            
               1.  A computer implemented method of design verification               
          for asymmetric phase shift mask layouts comprising the steps                
               isolating “critical” features in a design based on                     
          criteria that were applied in an original design routine;                   
               expanding the designed phase regions by the width of the               
          largest “critical” features to give shapes A;                               
               locating all overlaps of the expanded phase regions to                 
          identify shapes B;                                                          
               isolating any defective “critical” features by first                   
          subtracting the overlap region shapes B from the expanded                   
          phase region shapes A to produce phase regions shapes C, and                
          then subtracting the remaining phase regions shapes C from the              
          isolated “critical” features, leaving only “critical” features              
          that were either covered by the overlap of two phase regions                
          or were not covered by a phase region at all; and                           
               presenting to a designer design conflicts characterized                
          as “critical” features that either have a phase region on both              
          sides or have no adjacent phase region at all.                              
          The examiner relies on the following references:                            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007