Ex parte ADAMES - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-1081                                                        
          Application No. 08/462,202                                                  

          asserts (Brief, pages 9 and 10) that the Examiner has failed                
          to establish a prima facie case of obviousness since none of                
          the references suggest any reason why they might be combined.               
          Further, Appellant asserts that, even if the references could               
          be combined, the resulting combination would not meet the                   
          requirements of the claimed invention.                                      
               After careful review of the applied prior art in light of              
          the arguments of record, we are in agreement with Appellant’s               
          position as stated in the Brief.  The distinct fluid conduit                
          wall structure disclosed by Molitor, which the Examiner has                 
          suggested could be utilized in place of the grooved channel                 
          fluid passageways in Bone, would serve no purpose in the                    
          structure of Bone.  As pointed out by Appellant, Bone’s wall                
          member, which is made of solid material, serves to contain the              
          heat transfer fluid, thereby obviating the need for a distinct              
          conduit wall structure.  Further, we fail to see how the heat               
          exchange structure of Molitor, which is intended to transfer                
          heat between a fluid flowing through heat conductive                        
          deformable members and a fluid flowing through a conduit                    
          surrounded by the heat deformable members, has relevance to                 
          the heat exchange structure of Bone which transfers heat from               

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