Ex parte BROOKMAN et al. - Page 12

          Appeal No. 1998-1315                                                       
          Application No. 08/334,751                                                 
          Brookman with the device of McGoff?                                        

               Appellants’ claim 1 sets forth a device which protects a              
          user from heat, noxious and/or toxic gases.  We interpret this             
          statement to mean that the device protects the user from any               
          one or all of the three conditions during hypoxic and fire                 
          emergencies.  We agree with the examiner (answer, Paper No.                
          17, pg. 7) that the “claim language does not require                       
          protection from  all heat, noxious and/or toxic gases which                
          are present during hypoxic and fire emergencies” and the                   
          device of McGoff would indeed provide protection for the user              
          to the extent as claimed.  We find nothing in the claim that               
          requires the device to protect the user from all three                     
          conditions and McGoff does indeed provide protection from at               
          least noxious and/or toxic gases.  We also find that although              
          the specifics of the  mask and the means for retaining the                 
          mask over the user’s mouth and nose are not expressly                      
          disclosed in McGoff, Brookman discloses a conventional mask                
          that is capable of being used with the training device of                  
          McGoff.  Presumably, if the mask of Brookman can be used in                
          emergencies, it can also be used effectively in training, as               
          well.  Contrary to appellants’ statement that McGoff’s device              

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