Ex parte OTA et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1998-1325                                                        
          Application No. 08/027,783                                                  

          (zoom-in)” motions (Answer, page 4), we agree with the                      
          appellants (Brief, pages 16 and 17) that:                                   
                    One of ordinary skill in the art, after reading                   
               and understanding Kummerfeldt, would not learn from                    
               this reference that rotation motion or zoom motion                     
               should be sensed in addition to linear motion, and                     
               that rotation vector data or zoom vector data should                   
               be generated.  Nor would one learn from Kummerfeldt                    
               how rotation (or zoom) motion should be sensed and                     
               how rotation (or zoom) vector data should be                           
               generated.  Nor would one of ordinary skill learn                      
               from the teachings of Kummerfeldt that such rotation                   
               (or zoom) vector data should be combined with the                      
               motion vector data that is generated from linear                       
               motion sensing.                                                        
                    One of ordinary skill in the art simply would                     
               learn from Kummerfeldt that motion from block to                       
               block or from complex to complex is made up of                         
               rotation, translation, expansion and contraction                       
               (column 3, lines 12-14).  It is urged that this                        
               observation by Kummerfeldt is not sufficient to                        
               enable one to generate separate translation and                        
               rotation (or zoom) vectors and then combine those                      
               separate vectors, as required by the claims . . . .                    
               [Emphasis in original.]                                                
               Inasmuch as Kummerfeldt neither teaches nor would have                 
          suggested to one of ordinary skill in the art a combination of              
          linear motion vector data with other vector data, we agree                  
          with appellants (Brief, page 27) that the examiner “has failed              
          to establish a prima facie case of obviousness.”                            


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