Ex parte HALL et al. - Page 24

          Appeal No. 1998-1357                                                        
          Application No. 08/348,744                                                  

          functions claimed by the appellants, we agree with the                      
          examiner and therefore will affirm his rejection of claim 108.              

               To support a rejection of a claim under 35 U.S.C. §                    
          102(b), it must be shown that each element of the claim is                  
          found, either expressly described or under principles of                    
          inherency, in a single prior art reference.  See Kalman v.                  
          Kimberly-Clark Corp., supra.                                                
          The structural limitations recited in appellants' claim 108                 
          are all found in the Kettlewell reference, upon which the                   
          examiner relied.  Appellants' only argument is that there has               
          been no showing as to where Kettlewell teaches "[a]n above-                 
          ground storage tank for storing gasoline," "an inner tank for               
          storing gasoline" and "the insulating material being                        
          sufficient to at least meet a two-hour fire wall rating"                    
          (brief, page 16).                                                           

               We are not persuaded by this argument.  In our view the                
          functional limitations set forth in appellants' claim 108                   
          would have been inherent in the Kettlewell tank structure.                  
          The storage tank of Kettlewell is used for storing liquids and              

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