Ex parte HIRATA et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-1470                                                        
          Application 08/533,740                                                      

               This is a decision on appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from                
          the final rejection of claims 1-4, 6-9, and 11.  Claim 10 is                
          said to be redundant to claim 7 and, while not canceled, is                 
          not appealed.                                                               
               We affirm-in-part.                                                     
               The invention is directed to an optical disc assembly                  
          having a glass substrate that is designed to prevent a failure              
          of the glass substrate near its corner upon receipt of                      
          physical shocks.                                                            
               Claim 1 is reproduced below.                                           
               1.  An optical disc, comprising:                                       
                    a disc-shaped glass substrate defining a pair of                  
               major surfaces and an outer side and having information-               
               carrying means on one major surface,                                   
                    a resin protective member including a disc-shaped                 
               covering portion and an annular rim extending from the                 
               periphery of the covering portion,                                     
                    an adhesive layer integrally joining said substrate               
               and said protective member,                                            
                    the information-carrying means of said glass                      
               substrate faces the covering portion of said protective                
               member and the outer side of said glass substrate is                   
               surrounded by the annular rim to leave a space between                 
               the outer side of said glass substrate and an inner                    
               surface of the annular rim.                                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007