Ex parte SINHA - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-1603                                       Page 8           
          Application No. 08/428,940                                                  

          the phase difference between the detected resonant vibration                
          and the applied excitation.  Rather, Mick discloses that a                  
          mechanical forced oscillation stimulus is transmitted through               
          the bone material and that the frequency response spectrum is               
          measured. (Col. 4, lines 44 to 54).  In addition, neither                   
          Kageyama nor Devine discloses the application of excitation of              
          a single frequency and the measurement of a phase difference                
          to determine changes in ICP.                                                
               Further, Mick discloses that the characteristics of the                
          measured sound signal in the measurement of ICP leads to                    
          inaccurate results (Col. 1, lines 46 to 50; Col. 2, lines 40                
          to 43; Col. 2, lines 53 to 56).  As such, in our view there                 
          would have been no motivation to replace the mechanical                     
          oscillation excitation of Mick with the sound excitation of                 
               In view of the foregoing, we will not sustain the                      
          examiner’s rejection of claims 1, 2 and 4 under 35 U.S.C. §                 
          103 as unpatentable over Mick in view of Devine.                            
               In addition, we will not sustain the examiner’s rejection              
          of claim 3.  Claim 3 depends on claim 1 and thus includes the               
          above discussed steps of applying a single frequency                        

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