Ex parte GILDER et al. - Page 2

            Appeal No. 1998-2360                                                      
            Application No. 08/604,976                                                

                 Appellants= invention relates to a safety razor blade                
            unit having a row of three parallel spaced apart blades                   
            (11, 12, 13) located between a guard (2) and a cap (3).                   
            According to claim 1, the only independent claim on appeal,               
            the first blade (11) nearest the guard has a negative                     
            exposure, the third blade (13) nearest the cap has a                      
            positive exposure, and the second blade (12) between the                  
            first blade and the third blade has an exposure not less                  
            the exposure of the first blade and not greater than the                  
            exposure of the third blade.1  The combination of exposures               
            for the three blades has the effect of equalizing the work                
            performed by the blades (see page 3 of the specification).                

                    A copy of the appealed claims is appended to                      
            appellants= brief.                                                        

                    The following references are relied upon by the                   
            examiner as evidence of obviousness in support of his                     
            rejection under 35 U.S.C. ' 103:                                          

            Welsh                   3,660,893            May   9, 1972               
            Gilder, et al. (Gilder) WO92/17322       Oct. 15, 1992                    

            1 The term Aexposure@ appears to be a term of art.  It is defined in the paragraph bridging pages 2 and 3 of
            appellants= specification and also in the Welsh patent (see column 4, lines 53-58) cited by the examiner in
            support of his rejection of the appealed claims.                          

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Last modified: November 3, 2007