Ex parte KESSLER - Page 10

         Appeal No. 1998-2418                                                    
         Application No. 08/686,883                                              

              The 35 U.S.C. § 103 rejection of claims 31 through 36 as           
         being unpatentable over appellant's disclosed prior art in              
         view of Jones and further in view of Lane and Burtis.                   
              Directing our attention to claims 31, 32 and 34, we note           
         the examiner's rejection relies on appellant's disclosed prior          
         art in view of Jones, Lane and Burtis.  Appellant's disclosed           
         prior art and Jones are applied by the examiner as in the               
         above discussed rejection of claims 11, 21 through 30, 37 and           
         38.  Burtis is relied on for teaching "a container (1,2)                
         having at least one enlarged portion frictionally releasably            
         held in the central opening (12) of the roll (9)" (answer,              
         page 8).                                                                
              We shall sustain this rejection.                                   
              Appellant's disclosed prior art as shown by the blister            
         package in figures 8 and 9 is described as "[t]he blister               
         package can be sized to be inserted into and frictionally held          
         inside the tubular opening" (specification, page 1).  As shown          
         in appellant's figures 8 and 9 the blister package is tubular           
         and has an enlarged portion (spanned by label 35) which at its          
         extremities has ridge portions which frictionally contact the           
         interior of the tubular opening of the label roll(s).  With             

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