Ex parte YUMOTO et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1998-2569                                                        
          Application No. 08/517,132                                                  

          with initial data from a stored starting data block as                      
          claimed.  We further agree with Appellants that the specific                
          claimed data structure in which starting block data and                     
          response block data are stored as part of a status switch data              
          unit is not found in the disclosure of Susman.                              
               In view of the above discussion, it is our opinion that,                                                                     
          since all of the claim limitations are not present in the                   
          disclosure of Susman, the Examiner’s 35 U.S.C. § 102 rejection              
          of independent claims 1 and 6, as well as claims 2-5 and 7-11               
          dependent thereon, can not be sustained.                                    
               Turning to a consideration of the Examiner’s 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103 rejection of claims 1-16, all of the pending claims,                  
          based on the combination of Susman and Hamada, we do not                    
          sustain this rejection as well.  In the Examiner’s view, the                
          skilled artisan would have found it obvious to “apply Hamada’s              
          timing conditions to Susman because of Hamada’s taught                      
          advantages of scheduling” (Answer, page 4).                                 
               Our review of Hamada, however, reveals no disclosure                   
          which would overcome the deficiencies of Susman discussed                   
          supra, i.e., there is no description of a stored starting                   
          block and response block data structure nor any comparison of               

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