Ex parte TAPPERSON et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1999-1456                                                        
          Application No. 08/864,750                                                  

          In addition, our reviewing court requires the PTO to make                   
          specific findings on a suggestion to combine prior art                      
          references.  In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994, 1000-01, 50 USPQ2d              
          1614, 1617-19 (Fed. Cir. 1999).                                             
               We note that the admitted prior art, figure 1, shows a                 
          distributed control system within an industrial control                     
          process comprising a plurality of industrial process control                
          field devices and a central control means connected by a                    
          primary hardwire communication link to the industrial process               
          control field devices.  However, the admitted prior art does                
          not teach or suggest a first and second transceiver connected               
          to the industrial process control field devices for providing               
          a redundant two-way wireless communication.                                 
               Upon our close review of Clark, we find that Clark is not              
          concerned with controlling an industrial process.                           
          Furthermore, we note that Clark is not concerned with                       
          providing redundant communication links.  In column 2, lines                
          36-45, Clark states that their invention is concerned with                  
          providing a small hand held computer system capable of                      
          operating personal information management type software such                
          as calendars, telephone directories, and schedule, as well as               

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