Ex parte MALOW - Page 2

                 Appeal No. 1999-1531                                                                                                                   
                 Application No. 08/675,912                                                                                                             

                 of exemplary claim 15, a copy of which appears in the APPENDIX                                                                         
                 to the brief (Paper No. 13).                                                                                                           

                          As evidence of obviousness, the examiner has applied the                                                                      
                 documents listed below:                                                                                                                
                 Threefoot et al.                             1,632,203                                    Jun. 14, 1927                                
                 Carlson                                      5,103,959                                    Apr. 14, 1992                                

                          The following rejection is before us for review.                                                                              

                          Claims 11 through 15 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. §                                                                         
                 103(a) as being unpatentable over Threefoot in view of                                                                                 

                          The full text of the examiner’s rejection and response to                                                                     
                 the argument presented by appellant appears in the final                                                                               
                 rejection and answer (Paper Nos. 9 and 14), while the complete                                                                         
                 statement of appellant’s argument can be found in the main and                                                                         
                 reply briefs (Paper Nos. 13 and 20).                                                                                                   

                          1Claims 11 through 15 replaced finally rejected claims 9                                                                      
                 through 14, as indicated in the advisory action of October 20,                                                                         

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