Ex parte RIPLEY et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-2726                                                         
          Application 08/440,991                                                       

          level at which the potting material is shown in the containers               
          Figures 3 and 4 of the drawings, it is our view that one of                  
          ordinary skill would have perceived that the curved upper                    
          portions of the second pair of sides merely are ornamental,                  
          and are not meant to provide additional means for retaining                  
          the potting material, as is urged by the examiner.                           
               It is axiomatic that the mere fact that the prior art                   
          structure could be modified does not make such a modification                
          obvious unless the prior art suggests the desirability of                    
          doing so.  See In re Gordon, 733 F.2d 900, 902, 221 USPQ 1125,               
          1127 (Fed. Cir. 1984).  In the present case, we fail to                      
          perceive any teaching, suggestion or incentive in either of                  
          the references  which would have led one of ordinary skill in                
          the art to modify the module disclosed in the European                       
          reference by adding an outwardly extending fence to the top of               
          the side walls, as is required by claim 1.                                   
               It therefore follows that the combined teachings of the                 
          applied references fail to establish a prima facie case of                   
          obviousness with regard to the subject matter of claim 1, and                


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