Ex parte GRABHORN - Page 25

          Appeal No. 1999-2446                                      Page 25           
          Application No. 08/705,592                                                  

          Claim 17                                                                    
               It is our opinion that the subject matter of method claim              
          17 is inherently met by Scott for the reasons set forth above               
          with respect to claim 6.  In addition, it is our determination              
          that the claimed step of placing the container on a surface in              
          the region of run-off to slow the flow of water is met by                   
          Scott's disclosure that his mats are for use in the revetment               
          of river banks and the like.  Thus, the appellant's argument                
          (brief, p. 13) that "Scott is unclear about how his woven mat               
          is to be used" is inaccurate.  Since anticipation is the                    
          epitome of obviousness, we sustain the examiner's rejection of              
          appealed claim 17 under                                                     
          35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Scott.                           

          Claims 19 and 20                                                            
               Claim 19 recites the step of providing "hammer milled                  
          wood fragments" within the container.  As with claim 12 above,              
          the examiner has not provided any evidence as to why it would               
          have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a                   
          person having ordinary skill in the art to have replaced the                

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