Ex parte FAIN - Page 10

          Appeal No. 1999-2556                                                        
          Application 08/774,848                                                      

          plurality of Manning’s bait stations in the arrangement                     
          specified by claim 25, the rejection of this claim must fall.               
               Thus, we shall not sustain the standing 35 U.S.C. §                    
          103(a) rejection of claim 25 as being unpatentable over                     
               Manning is also the primary reference applied in support               
          of the obviousness rejection of independent claim 1.                        
          Implicitly acknowledging that Manning does not meet the                     
          limitations in this claim requiring the recited device to                   
          include a plurality of containing regions and at least two                  
          odorous substances within the regions with one substance                    
          producing odors which repel certain creatures and another                   
          substance producing other odors which attract desirable                     
          creatures, the examiner concludes (see page 3 in the final                  
          rejection) that Watson would have suggested furnishing same to              
          the Manning device.  Arguably, Watson would have suggested                  
          adding a plurality of containing regions to the Manning                     
          device.  There is nothing in the combined teachings of Watson               
          and Manning, however, which would have suggested the further                
          addition of at least two odorous substances having the                      
          characteristics called for in claim 1.  The examiner’s                      


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