EWEN V. DOLLE et al. - Page 34

          Interference 103,482                                                        
               R’ in the formula RCH=CHR’ are hydrogen.  The                          
               also expressly mentions ethylene as an example of olefins              
               which may be polymerized.  Dolle specification, p. 11,                 
               lines 33-34.  Absent evidence or reasoning providing a                 
               basis to doubt the objective truth of the statements in                
               Dolle’s specification, those statements must be taken                  
               as true and the disclosure enabling. . . . In re                       
               439 F.2d 220, 223, 169 USPQ 367, 369 (CCPA 1971) . . . .               
               Ewen, however, has not presented any reasoning or                      
               which provides a basis for doubting the objective truth                
               of the statements in Dolle’s specification.  Nor has Ewen              
               provided reasoning or evidence indicating that Dolle’s                 
               specification would not enable one having ordinary skill               
               in the art to polymerize ethylene or olefins that are not              
               1-olefins without undue experimentation.                               
               In response to Ewen’s argument that new Claims 32-35                   
          (Appendix D) are hybrid claims because they claim both a                    
          product and a method in a single claim, the APJ, referring to               
          Claim 32, stated (Paper No. 77, pp. 6-7, bridging para.):                   
               Dolle’s claim does not expressly combine two inventions                
               into a single claim.  Rather, Dolle’s claimed invention                
               is expressly directed to a metallocene compound.  In my                
               view, the language “used to make a catalyst to produce                 
               syndio-isoblock polymers . . .” serves to further limit                
               the claimed metallocenes. . . . [T]he claim is similar                 
               to a product by process claim where the reference to the               
               process may further characterize the product.  To come                 
               within the scope of Dolle’s claim 32, for example, the                 
               metallocene must not only meet formula I but must only                 
               “produce syndio-isoblock polymers having molecular chains              
               in which syndiotactic and isotactic sequences are present              
               and the sequence length is 3 to 50 monomer units by                    
               polymerization of an olefin” of the specified formula.                 
               Compounds which produce such polymers and also produce                 

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