RAY V. SEKHAR et al. - Page 2

                          On May 30, 2000, an order was issued directing the senior party to show cause why judgment                                  
                 should not be entered against it.  No response to that order has been filed.  During a telephone conference                          
                 on June 27, 2000, counsel for the senior party confirmed that no response had been filed.  The time for                              
                 filing a response having expired, it is appropriate to enter judgment against the senior party.  37 CFR �                            
                 1.640(e).  Accordingly it is                                                                                                         
                          ORDERED that judgment on priority as to the subject matter of the Count  (Attachment to Paper                               
                 2, p.3), is awarded against the senior party JAINAGESH A. SEKHAR and VITTORIO DE NORA;                                               
                          FURTHER ORDERED that senior party, JAINAGESH A. SEKHAR and VITTORIO DE                                                      
                 NORA,  is not entitled to a patent containing claims 71-80 and 84 (corresponding to the count) of                                    
                 application 08/666,870; and it is                                                                                                    
                          FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be made of record in application 08/666,870                                    
                 and in the file of Patent 5,492,604.                                                                                                 

                                            FRED E. McKELVEY                            )                                                             
                                            Senior Administrative Patent Judge )                                                                      
                                    ______________________________) BOARD OF PATENT                                                                   
                                            RICHARD E. SCHAFER      )                   APPEALS AND                                                   
                                            Administrative Patent Judge                 )        INTERFERENCES                                        
                                            RICHARD TORCZON                             )                                                             
                                            Administrative Patent Judge                 )                                                             


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Last modified: November 3, 2007