SCHAAP et al. V. MATSUMOTO - Page 3

          cc (via First Class mail):                                                  
          Counsel for Matsumoto                                                       
          (real party in interest                                                     
          Tosoh Corporation):                                                         
               James T. Hosmer, Esq.                                                  
               Leonard C. Mitchard, Esq.                                              
               NIXON & VANDERHYE P.C.                                                 
               1100 North Glebe Road, 8th Floor                                       
               Arlington, VA  22201-4714                                              
               Tel:           703-816-4000                                            
               Fax:           703-816-4100                                            
               E-mail:   None                                                         

          Counsel for Schaap                                                          
          (real party in interest                                                     
          Lumigen, Inc., and The Board of                                             
          Governors of Wayne State University):                                       
               Mark Boland, Esq.                                                      
               Oliver R. Ashe, Jr., Esq.                                              
               SUGHRUE, MION, ZINN, MACPEAK & SEAS, PLLC                              
               2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.                                         
               Suite 800                                                              
               Washington, D.C.  20037-3202                                           
               Tel:           202-293-7060                                            
               Fax:           202-293-7860                                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007