REVESZ et al. V. OLSSON et al. - Page 4

            Interference No. 104,204                                                                     
            Judgment under 37 CFR § 1.640(e)                                                             

                        Judgment is hereby awarded in favor of Olsson's                                  
            claims that correspond to the count, i.e., claims 16 and 17,                                 
            which means Olsson is entitled to a patent including those                                   

                              __________________________ )                                               
                                     ANDREW H. METZ             )                                        
                                     Administrative Patent Judge)                                        
                                                                   )            BOARD                    
                              __________________________ ) PATENT                                        
                                     WILLIAM F. PATE, III       )      AND                               
                                     Administrative Patent Judge) INTERFERENCES                          
                              __________________________ )                                               
                                     JOHN C. MARTIN             )                                        
                                     Administrative Patent Judge)                                        

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Last modified: November 3, 2007