KIEL et al. V. GRAHAM et al. - Page 2

          Interference No. 104,352                                                    
          Kiel v. Graham                                                              

                           MEMORANDUM OPINION AND JUDGMENT                            
               This interference was declared on February 4, 1999.                    
          Kiel’s patent claims 1-20 and Graham’s application claims 37-               
          45 were designated as corresponding to the count.  Party Kiel               
          has represented to the Board that its claims 1-9 and 11-19 are              
          unpatentable over a 1990 sales Catalogue of Optical cable                   
          Corporation (“sales catalogue”), and the Board has found all                
          of Graham’s claims 37-45 to be unpatentable over the sales                  
          catalogue or, alternatively, the sale of cables shown in the                
          catalogue.  (Paper No. 81).  In response to our holding of                  
          unpatentability against its claims 37-45, party Graham filed a              
          miscellaneous motion (Paper No. 89) for leave to “present                   
          claim amendments, new claims, and evidence (including                       
          affidavit testimony) responsive to the prior art reference.”                
          The motion is opposed by Kiel.                                              
               Party Kiel filed preliminary motion 1 for judgment                     
          against Graham’s claims on grounds other than the sales                     
          catalogue reference.  (Paper No. 38).  Party Kiel filed                     
          preliminary motion 2 to redefine the count to remove claim 10               
          as an alternative in the count and to have designated as not                
          corresponding to the count its claims 10 and 20.  (Paper No.                


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Last modified: November 3, 2007