Ex parte NITTEL et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1998-3059                                                        
          Application 08/554,288                                                      

          ions.  The appellants indicate that including magnesium in the              
          solution causes the copper coatings to be uniform and to have               
          good adhesion (specification, page 3).  Claim 1 is                          
               1.  A process for the electroless deposition of a copper               
          coating on an iron or iron alloy surface by means of a                      
          solution containing copper and hydrogen ions, comprising:                   
          contacting the surface with a solution comprising 5 to 30 g/l               
          Cu and 0.2 to 5 g/l Mg.                                                     
                                   THE REFERENCES                                     
          Schwartz                         3,460,953        Aug. 12,                  
          Knaster et al. (Knaster)         4,563,216        Jan.  7,                  
                                    THE REJECTION                                     
               Claims 1-5 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being               
          unpatentable over the combined teachings of Knaster and                     
               We reverse the aforementioned rejection.  We need to                   
          address only claim 1, which is the sole independent claim.                  
               Knaster discloses an electroless plating process using a               
          solution containing about 10 to about 30 g/l of cupric ions                 


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