Ex parte AMANO et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1999-1560                                                        
          Application No. 08/974,108                                                  

          automatically assembled," (see page 23).  In other words, appellants        
          have indicated in the specification that the oval shape is critical         
          to the positioning and, thus, to automating the assembly of the             
          various elements.                                                           
               Furthermore, appellants' declaration asserts additional reasons        
          for the oval shape such as better uniformity in the distances between       
          the pressure chambers and the nozzles and easy adjustment of the            
          balance of the ink conduit.  Although test results and evidence of          
          unexpected results are two types of secondary considerations, we find       
          no basis for the examiner's requirement that a declaration include          
          evidence of unexpected results or test results comparing the prior          
          art to the claimed invention.  Thus, even had the examiner set forth        
          a prima facie case of obviousness, appellants have established the          
          criticality for the oval shape.  Consequently, we cannot sustain the        
          rejection of claims 1, 2, and 4 through 20.                                 
               Regarding the rejection of claim 3 over Shimizu in view of             
          Matsumoto, Matsumoto fails to overcome the deficiencies of Shimizu.         
          Therefore, we must reverse the rejection of claim 3.                        


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