Ex parte SACHDEVA et al. - Page 6

                  Appeal No. 1999-2414                                                                                                                    
                  Application No. 08/942,732                                                                                                              

                  coating have no patentable significance in the apparatus claims before us.  Appellants contend that it                                  

                  would be “difficult if not impossible” to use any of the recited coating methods in the Weissman                                        

                  structure because only the larger diameter sections (16, 29) would be coated.  Appellants further                                       

                  explain that, contrary to the examiner’s position, the selected method of providing a coating is very                                   

                  relevant to the apparatus claims “to the extent that selection of one or more of the recited techniques                                 

                  simply could not be operably employed in connection with the Weissman reference” [principal brief-                                      

                  page 7].                                                                                                                                

                  We will sustain the rejection of claims 13, 15, 16, 25 and 26 under 35 U.S.C. 103 because we do                                         

                  not find appellants’ arguments persuasive of patentability.  The only argument presented by appellants                                  

                  against the examiner’s position that the claimed coating techniques are not relevant is that selection of                               

                  one or more of the recited techniques simply could not be operably employed in connection with the                                      

                  Weissman reference.  Appellants’ reasoning for not operably employing the coating techniques in                                         

                  Weissman is because it is appellants’ opinion that the coating would need to be placed only on the                                      

                  larger, cutting sections of Weissman.  However, claim 13 depends on claim 8 which recites that the                                      

                  coating is placed “on at least a portion of an exposed surface of said working shaft portion...”.  Thus,                                

                  these claims do not preclude a coating on other parts of the working shaft, such as sections 15 and 30                                  

                  of Weissman.  Therefore, to whatever extent appellants’ argument regarding the difficulty or                                            

                  impossibility of applying coating just to the cutting sections of Weissman’s shaft has any credence, the                                


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