SHOJA - Page 4

          Interference No. 104,482                                                    
          Tseng v. Doroodian-Shoja                                                    
          (against Doroodian’s claims 1-6); (4) U.S. Patent No. 5,113,585             
          to Rogers et al. in view of U.S. patent No. 2,703,451 to Hensel             
          (against Doroodian’s claims 1-6); and (5) Sensor  For Women in�                           
          view of U.S. Patent No. 2,703,451 to Hensel (against Doroodian’s            
          claims 1-6).                                                                
               29.   Tseng’s preliminary motion 5 is entitled: “TSENG                 
          CONTINGENT PRELIMINARY MOTION 5" and states the following:                  
                    This motion only need be considered if Doroodian’s                
               anticipated motions based on no interference-in-fact                   
               and 35 U.S.C. � 135(b), as well as Tseng Preliminary                   
               Motions 2, 3 and 4 (based on invalidity under 35 U.S.C.                
               � 112, first and second paragraphs), are all denied.                   
               In that event, Tseng requests consideration of this                    
               30.   In its principal brief (Paper No. 86), party Tseng               
          withdrew its still pending preliminary motions 2-4.                         
               31.   The only preliminary motion of party Tseng which still           
          remains pending is Tseng’s contingent preliminary motion 5.                 
               Party Tseng’s preliminary motion 5 is contingent on a number           
          of circumstances including the denial of Doroodian’s preliminary            
          motion 1 asserting no interference-in-fact.  In Paper No. 85,               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007