Ex parte JEON - Page 3

            Appeal No. 2000-0374                                                                         
            Application No. 08/686,526                                                                   

                        an adjusting member inserted into each said hole and                             
                  threadedly engaged with the deck; and                                                  
                        a spring installed between each of said guide shafts                             
                  and the deck and for providing a resistive force against                               
                  a rotation of said adjusting member and biasing said                                   
                  guide shafts away from the deck, thereby to allow                                      
                  appropriate adjustment of the distance between the deck                                
                  and each of said guide shafts.                                                         
                  The following references are relied on by the examiner:                                
            Yamashita                    5,036,507                        Jul.                           
                                                                          30, 1991                       
            Kato et al. (Kato)           5,124,974              Jun. 23,                                 
            Sakashita et al. (Sakashita) 5,488,526              Jan. 30,                                 
                  Claims 1 through 3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103.                               
            As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon Kato in                                 
            view of                                                                                      
            Yamashita as to claims 1 and 3, with the addition of Sakashita                               
            as to claim 2.                                                                               
                  Rather than repeat the positions of the appellant and the                              
            examiner, reference is made to the brief and the answer for                                  
            the respective details thereof.                                                              
                  We reverse.  The examiner has not established a prima                                  
            facie case of obviousness within 35 U.S.C. § 103.                                            
                  As to independent claim 1 on appeal, the examiner                                      

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