Ex parte SCHROEDER - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2001-0673                                                        
          Application No. 09/138,445                                                  

               and tip of the Bollag device wherein so doing would                    
               amount to mere substitution of one functional                          
               equivalent sprayer/tip arrangement for another . . . .                 
               Implicit in the above is the examiner’s position that                  
          modified Bollag spray apparatus would correspond in all respects            
          to the spray gun of the appealed claims.                                    
               We have carefully reviewed the appellant’s invention as                
          described in the specification, the appealed claims, the prior              
          art applied by the examiner and the respective positions                    
          advanced by the appellant in the brief and by the examiner in               
          the answer.  As a consequence of our review, we conclude that               
          the examiner’s rejection of the appealed claims under 35 U.S.C.             
          § 103 cannot be sustained.  Our reasons follow.                             
               First, it is our view that neither of the applied                      
          references teach a spray gun for spraying liquid comprising an              
          airless tip assembly which atomizes liquid passed therethrough.             
          Bollag does not disclose that the “conventional spray nozzle”               
          thereof for spraying paint comprises an airless tip assembly,               
          and the examiner does not contend otherwise.  As to Waggoner,               
          the most that can be said for this reference is that Waggoner is            
          silent as to whether or not the spray nozzles 22, 23 are of the             

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