Ex Parte GERLING - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2001-2204                                                        
          Application No. 09/155,413                                                  


               In reaching our conclusion on the enablement issue raised in           
          this appeal, this panel of the board has carefully considered               
          appellant's specification and claims,3  appendices II, III, and             
          IV attached to the main brief, and the respective viewpoints of             
          appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of our review, we             
          make the determination which follows.                                       

               We do not sustain the examiner's rejection under 35 U.S.C.             
          § 112, first paragraph.                                                     

               The test regarding enablement is whether a disclosure, as              
          filed, is sufficiently complete to enable one of ordinary skill             
          in the art to make and use a claimed invention without undue                
          experimentation.  See In re Wands, 858 F.2d 731, 737, 8 USPQ2d              
          1400, 1404 (Fed. Cir. 1988) and In re Scarbrough, 500 F.2d 560,             
          566, 182 USPQ 298, 302 (CCPA 1974).  An examiner has the initial            
          burden of producing reasons that substantiate a rejection based             
               3 The following informalities in the claims should be                  
          addressed by the examiner.  In claims 12 and 23, clause e) is not           
          grammatically sound.  In claim 13, line 2, "data recorded" in               
          step c) has no express antecedent basis in parent claim 12. Claim           
          18, line 1, step "d)" should apparently be step "e)."                       

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