Ex Parte Gaudette et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2001-2614                                                        
          Application 09/506,576                                                      

          for positioning” is construed as a hook and loop fastener secured           
          to the top surface of the platform (specification page 2, line              
          4), an elastic or inelastic belt to hold the control mechanism to           
          the platform (specification page 2, line 6-7), an adaptor secured           
          to the platform (specification page 2, line 13), an adaptor and a           
          belt (specificatin page 2, line 17) and equivalents.  Turning to            
          figure 11 and column 5 of the Boyer patent, Boyer discloses an              
          airplane fold-down tray 34.  In this instance, an airplane fold-            
          down tray denotes a structure which has a mounting platform that            
          may be adjusted from a horizontal use position to a near vertical           
          stowed position.  Boyer further discloses a means for positioning           
          that includes a belt formed of hook and loop material.  While we            
          are not of the view that claim 1 actually requires the supported            
          structure to be a home video game, we note that such games may be           
          played on the multipurpose computer disclosed.  Furthermore, the            
          doctrine of claim differentiation convinces us that claim 1 does            
          not include the video game controller.  See claim 14.  As can be            
          seen from the above analysis, claims 1, 2 and 6 lack novelty over           
          the invention of figure 11 of Boyer.                                        


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