Ex Parte ACKER - Page 9

             Appeal No. 2002-0311                                                          Page 9              
             Application No. 09/030,241                                                                        

             position, which includes monitoring the position of reference point over a plurality of           
             cycles and then finding an extreme position which recurs in each cycle, would have                
             been obvious.  This being the case, a prima facie case of obviousness is lacking with             
             regard to the subject matter recited in claim 8, and we will not sustain the rejection of         
             claim 8 or, it follows, of claims 9 and 10, which depend therefrom.                               
                   The rejection of claims 1-7 and 11-16 is sustained.                                         
                   The rejection of claims 8-10 is not sustained.                                              
                   The decision of the examiner is affirmed-in-part.                                           

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