Ex Parte BROWN - Page 3

                   Appeal No. 2002-0675                                                                                                                                   
                   Application No. 09/217,876                                                                                                                             

                   the AirFil brochure by substituting a pneumatic conveyor as                                                                                            
                   taught by Long or Wiseman.                                                                                                                             
                             Claims 7 through 9, 14 through 19 and 22 through 24 stand                                                                                    
                   rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over the AirFil                                                                                         
                   brochure in view of Long, Wiseman and Ross.  According to the                                                                                          
                   examiner, Ross teaches the concept of using bins and an overhead                                                                                       
                   track to collect and transport articles.  Thus, the examiner                                                                                           
                   concludes, that it would have been obvious to use the Ross et al.                                                                                      
                   teaching of collecting articles in a bin in the system of the                                                                                          
                   AirFil brochure as modified by Long and Wiseman.                                                                                                       

                             We have carefully reviewed the claimed subject matter in                                                                                     
                   light of the arguments of the appellant and the examiner.  As a                                                                                        
                   result of this review, we have reached the determination that the                                                                                      
                   applied prior art does not establish the prima facie obviousness                                                                                       
                   of the claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, the rejections of                                                                                         
                   the claims on appeal are reversed.  Our reasons follow.                                                                                                
                             We are in agreement with the examiner that the Airfil                                                                                        
                   brochure discloses a machine for manufacturing a continuous                                                                                            
                   string of air-filled cushions.  With respect to page 3 of the                                                                                          
                   brochure, apparently a web of manufactured cushions exits the                                                                                          

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