Ex Parte BISHOP - Page 17

            Interference No. 104,067                                                                     

                  Judgment as to Count 1 is awarded in favor of the senior                               
            party, Raymond T. Bishop. On the record before the U.S. Patent                               
            and Trademark Office in this interference, Raymond T. Bishop is                              
            entitled to his patent containing claims 1-15 which correspond to                            
            Count 1.                                                                                     

                          ANDREW H. METZ                                                                 
                                        ive Pat nt udge                                                  

                            C'm BOARD OF                                                                 
                          W L PATE, III APPEALS AND                                                      
                          Administrative Patent Judge INTERFERENCES                                      

                          (DPLIENE eEP4IANE allANL40N                                                    
                          Administrative Patent Judge                                                    


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Last modified: November 3, 2007