Ex Parte GOODWIN - Page 17

          Appeal No. 2000-0229                                                        
          Application No. 08/603,005                                Page 17           

          price tags and would be motivated to replace the bar code labels            
          of Ahlm with hole codes.  We are cognizant that the hole code               
          tags of Hellsberg are fed into the reader before being read,                
          however, claim 3, as broadly drafted, does not preclude an                  
          auxiliary display tag having hole codes which are fed to the                
          reader, in contrast to an auxiliary display having a type                   
          designation that is placed on the reader, as in Ahlm and Poland.            
          We therefore find that the examiner has established a prima facie           
          case of obviousness of claim 3 which has not been successfully              
          rebutted by appellants.  Accordingly, the rejection of claim 3              
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) is sustained.                                      
               We turn next to claim 4.  Appellants refer (brief, page 6)             
          to “push button switches employed as auxiliary display recorders”           
          as an “additional subject matter grouping” under the heading of             
          “Grouping of Claims” but do not present any specific arguments              
          with respect to the claim.                                                  
               Claim 4 recites that “wherein the auxiliary display                    
          recorders comprise a number of push button switches; wherein the            
          indicators comprise a number of apertures up to the number of               
          push button switches through which push button switches protrude            
          to provide the signal.”  The examiner’s position (answer, page 5)           
          is that “[i]t further would have been obvious to have included a            

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