Ex Parte MERTEN et al - Page 4

               Appeal No. 2000-2129                                                                                                    
               Application No. 09/090,583                                                                                              

                       In arguing against the rejections advanced by the examiner in the final rejection, appellants                   
               argue, among other things, that the combination of references cited against the claims “does not                        
               disclose, suggest, or make obvious a scraper chain having . . . a pitch equal to three times the                        
               diameter of the circular cross-section of the nose-parts of the vertical links” (appeal brief, paragraph                
               spanning pages 6-7).  Appellants also argue that Braun “has no discussion of this relationship                          
               because obviously Braun did not consider that this relationship has any bearing on the workings of                      
               his invention” (reply brief, page 4).4                                                                                  
                       We have carefully considered the examiner’s position in rejecting the appealed claims as                        
               being unpatentable over Grundken in view of Braun.  In particular, we have noted the examiner’s                         
               position as expressed on page 8 of the answer that it would have been obvious in view of the                            
               teachings of Braun to have provided the chain of Grundken with horizontal links having (1) a pitch                      
               at least 10% greater than the pitch of the vertical links and (2) an outer width approximately 30%                      
               greater than the outer width of the vertical links.  The examiner also posits that (3) the limitation of                
               the 48 mm circular diameter for the horizontal links would have been an obvious matter of “design                       

                       4This argument in the reply brief was one of several made therein that necessitated this                        
               application being remanded back to the examiner (see Paper No. 22) for the purpose of issuing a                         
               supplemental examiner’s answer to respond to the arguments presented by appellants.  In                                 
               replying to that remand (see Paper No. 24), the examiner withdrew the rejection of the appealed                         
               claims as being unpatentable over Braun in view of Grundken, but declined to present any                                
               additional rationale in support of the remaining rejection of the appealed claims as being                              
               unpatentable over Grundken in view of Braun.                                                                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007