Ex Parte ELLSON - Page 3

               Appeal No. 2001-1081                                                                                                   
               Application No. 09/067,965                                                                                             

                       Reference is made to the brief (paper number 11) and the answer (paper number 12) for the                      
               respective positions of the appellant and the examiner.                                                                
                       We have carefully considered the entire record before us, and we will reverse the                              
               obviousness rejection of claims 1 through 19.                                                                          
                       According to the examiner’s analysis (answer, pages 4 through 6), Hadimioglu discloses all                     
               of the system structure set forth in claim 1.  The examiner’s contentions to the contrary                              
               notwithstanding, Hadimioglu is directed to a single printhead 300, and to the control of the ink                       
               ejectors 131 in this single printhead (Figure 10; column 3, lines 12 and 13; column 6, lines 27                        
               through 59).  A second printhead is not described by Hadimioglu.  Since the examiner relied on the                     
               secondary teachings of Hawkins for the latches of dependent claim 9, we agree with the appellant’s                     
               argument (brief, page 6) that “Hadimioglu taken singly or in combination with Hawkins fail[s] to                       
               teach or suggest the claimed combination of  . . . a multiple drop per spot printer with a first                       
               printhead and a second printhead; a memory for specifying ejectors of the printheads where the                         
               actuation interval of the spot cycle of a first printhead is out of phase with the actuation interval of               
               the second printhead . . .” (emphasis added).  Accordingly, the obviousness rejection of claims 1                      
               through 3 and 5 through 16 is reversed.                                                                                
                       The obviousness rejection of claim 4 is reversed because the teachings of Yasufuku fail to                     
               cure the noted shortcoming in the teachings of Hadimioglu.                                                             


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