Ex Parte ENDICOTT et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2002-0276                                                        
          Application 09/033,614                                                      

               The invention relates to Object Oriented Programming.  See             
          page 1 of Appellants’ specification.  The two fundamental                   
          concepts of Object Oriented Programming are “encapsulation” and             
          “reusability”.  Encapsulation means that information and the                
          means for using the information are conceptually packaged into              
          individual entities call “objects.”  The objects represent                  
          individual operations or groups of operations that can be                   
          performed by a computer system.  The information contained in an            
          objected is called data and the means used to perform a                     
          particular operation upon the information is called a method.               
          Reusability means that the objects are made sufficiently generic            
          so that they can be used by methods of other objects.  See page 2           
          of Appellants’ specification.  Objects are also considered to be            
          members of a particular “class” of objects.  See page 3 of                  
          Appellants’ specification.  Appellants’ invention is an enhanced            
          object-oriented mechanism that is used to change a specific                 
          object instance from being a member of one class to being a                 
          member of another class.  See pages 26 and 27 of Appellants’                
          specification as well as figures 10A and 10B.                               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007