Ex Parte Torbus et al - Page 24

         Appeal No. 2002-2063                                                       
         Application No. 09/635,093                                                 
         appellants counsel’s arguments relating to the interpretation of           
         the solvent list of Furness, we choose to rely upon the plain              
         wording of Furness.  We therefore are not persuaded by this                
              Appellants’ Point 9:  The claims as requiring a two-component         
              We agree with the appellants that the claims require a two-           
         component polyurethane system, a phenol and a polyisocyanate.              
         However, this mistake by the examiner is harmless error, as both           
         components are present in the Furness system, and as discussed             
         above, the appellants have not shown how the additional                    
         constituents of Furness are excluded by the language “consisting           
         essentially of.”                                                           
              Appellants’ Point 10:   Ethylbenzene Solvent in Example 14            
         (Appeal Brief, page 25).                                                   
              Appellants urge that ethylbenzene may be used to modify the           
         solubility characteristics of the polar solvents for the phenolic          
         compound, and is not a low-boiling solvent for the polyisocyanate.         
         Again, this argument relates to the interpretation of the solvent          
         list which the appellants urge us to adopt.  We read the list as           
         more broadly inclusive than the appellants, and therefore are not          
         persuaded by this argument.                                                
         incorrect in his conclusion, but find the error to be harmless.            

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