Ex Parte DRAKE et al - Page 1

                                             The opinion in support of the decision being entered                                                         
                                        today was not written for publication and is not binding                                                          
                                        precedent of the Board.                                                                                           
                                                                                                            Paper No. 24                                  
                                        UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                                         
                                              BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                                          
                                                             AND INTERFERENCES                                                                            
                                                         Ex parte CHARLES A. DRAKE                                                                        
                                                               and AN-HSIANG WU                                                                           
                                                               Appeal No. 2003-0366                                                                       
                                                               Application 09/349,759                                                                     
                                                                      ON BRIEF                                                                            
                  Before KIMLIN, GARRIS and WARREN, Administrative Patent Judges.                                                                         
                  WARREN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                                    
                                                                 Decision on Appeal                                                                       
                           This is an appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from the decision of the examiner finally                                              
                  rejecting claims 15 through 20, 36 through 42, 79, 81, 83, 84 and 86, which are all of the claims                                       
                  in the application.  Claims 15 and 36, as they stand of record, 1 are illustrative of the claims on                                     
                           15.  A method of converting non-aromatic hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons,                                                
                  ethylene, and propylene comprising contacting a feed comprising at least one non-aromatic                                               
                  hydrocarbon containing 2-16 carbon atoms per molecule selected from a group consisting of                                               
                  alkanes, alkenes, and cycloparaffins, with a silylated, acid leached zeolite composition, under                                         
                  contacting conditions effective in obtaining a reaction product comprising ethylene, propylene,                                         
                  1  Appealed claim 15 was erroneously copied in the appendix to the brief. See the amendment of                                          
                  October 10, 2000 (Paper No. 7).                                                                                                         

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