HERMAN et al. V. Herman - Page 23

                  Since Herman has failed to sufficiently demonstrate that he conceived of at least counts 6,      
           7, 25, and 26, Herman's motion is denied based on this alternative ground.                              
                  Lack of corroboration of Herman's story                                                          
                  In addition to proving a prior conception of all 32 counts, Herman must provide an               
           explanation of why the inventorshipin the Barnes patent is incorrect. Even if we were to believe        
           that Herman is capable of providing truthfal information, the information that Herman has '             
           provided is insufficiently corroborated. For example, Herman explains that he was coerced into          
           adding Barnes to the NDI that was used to draft the Barnes patent application. However,                 
           Herman's account of events are not corroborated. Ms. Johnson, who allegedly told Herman to              
           add Barnes to the NDI does not testify for Herman in support of its preliminary motion.                 
           According to Herman, Fedorochko, the patent attorney that drafted the Barnes application, was           
           aware that Herman believed himself to be the sole inventor. Yet, Fedorochko does not testify in         
           support of Herman's preliminary motion. Herman's account of what he told Fedorochko and                 
           what Fedorochko told Herman are uncorroborated statements made by an -inventor.                         
                  The e-mails having attachments that allegedly describe the invention are also insufficient       
           to establish that Herman alone conceived of the invention (ffs 27, 28, 31 and 32). The e-mails do       
           not establish that Herman alone conceived of the invention, since the e-mails do not describe the       
           elements of any of counts 1-32. Even if we were to assume that the c-mails include the                  
           attachment that Herman describes (the IDD), Herman has failed to sufficiently demonstrate that          
           "the attachment" or IDD describes the elements of at least counts 6, 7, 25 and 26 as previously         
                  Still, there are other flaws with respect to Herman's story. Herman acknowledges that            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007