Ex Parte BORLAND - Page 10

          Appeal No. 2002-2045                                                        
          Application No. 08/874,005                                                  

          to make the modification proposed by the examiner [brief, pages             
          11-12].  The examiner responds that Horimoto suggests that the              
          techniques disclosed therein can be applied to other                        
          communication devices [answer, pages 7-8].                                  
          We will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of claims 8                    
          and 15 for essentially the reasons argued by appellant in the               
          briefs.  The examiner’s position that the same processor used by            
          Heidari could be used in Horimoto fails to address the                      
          obviousness of using the claimed digitized wireless transmission            
          compression scheme.  As discussed above, the examiner has failed            
          to rebut appellant’s argument that neither reference teaches use            
          of a digitized wireless transmission compression scheme.                    


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Last modified: November 3, 2007