Ex Parte MEYER et al - Page 24

          Appeal No. 2002-2174                                                        
          Application No. 09/263,166                                Page 24           

               We turn next to claim 25.  We cannot sustain the rejection             
          of claim 25 for the same reasons as we reversed the rejection of            
          claim 16.  Accordingly, the rejection of claim 25 under 35 U.S.C.           
          § 102(b) is reversed.                                                       
               We turn next to claim 94.  Both appellants (brief, page 31)            
          and the examiner (answer, page 9) rely upon the same arguments              
          presented for claim 93.  At the outset, we make reference to our            
          findings, supra, with respect to independent claim 93.  We find             
          from our review of Johnson (col. 8, lines 61-65) that in response           
          to a user attempt to make a call, the bid incentive information,            
          including the value of the incentive, is displayed on the                   
          interface to the user.  After a routing decision is made by the             
          system using the least cost software, or by the user, the call is           
          placed.  From this disclosure of Johnson, we find claim 94 to be            
          met by Johnson.  Accordingly, the rejection of claim 94 under 35            
          U.S.C. § 102(b) is affirmed.                                                
               We turn next to claim 95.  We cannot sustain the rejection             
          of claim 95 based upon our reasons for reversing the rejection of           
          claim 16.  Accordingly, the rejection of claim 95 under 35 U.S.C.           
          § 102(b) is reversed.                                                       
               We turn next to claim 97.  Appellants assert (brief, page              
          19) that the examiner has failed "to explain how and where                  

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