Ex Parte Zeller - Page 24

                    Appeal No. 2004-1137                                                                                                                                  
                    Application No. 09/734506                                                                                                                             

                    In light of the foregoing, we will sustain the examiner's                                                                                             
                    rejection of claim 28 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) as anticipated by                                                                                      
                    Gillard, and that of claims 29, 31 and 32, which depend                                                                                               
                    therefrom, since appellant's grouping of claims on page 10 of the                                                                                     
                    brief allows those claims to fall with independent claim 28.                                                                                          

                    The examiner has also nominally rejected claims 28, 29, 31                                                                                            
                    and 32 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Gillard.  However,                                                                                           
                    notwithstanding that we again find no express obviousness                                                                                             
                    analysis made by the examiner, we will sustain this rejection                                                                                         
                    also, since, as we noted earlier, anticipation or lack of novelty                                                                                     
                    is the ultimate or epitome of obviousness.                                                                                                            

                    To summarize, of the eight rejections before us on appeal,                                                                                            
                    only the examiner's rejection of claims 24 through 32 under                                                                                           
                    35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, has been reversed, each of the                                                                                     
                    prior art rejections posited by the examiner has been sustained.                                                                                      
                    Thus, the decision of the examiner is affirmed-in-part.                                                                                               


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