Ex Parte Williams et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2004-1666                                                                  Page 3                
              Application No. 09/586,912                                                                                  

                     In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given careful consideration to                      
              the appellants’ specification and claims, to the applied prior art, and to the respective                   
              positions articulated by the appellants and the examiner.  As a consequence of our                          
              review, we make the determinations which follow.                                                            
                     The appellants’ invention deals with the problem of insect infestation in pad                        
              mounted electrical transformers and the like, wherein the insects gain entry to the                         
              housing through the opening provided for conduits.  As manifested in independent claim                      
              1, the invention comprises, inter alia, a flexible foam sealing material which expands in                   
              its unset state and is flexible in its final set state and an insecticide dispersed in the                  
              flexible foam sealing material for killing insects attempting to enter the housing, wherein                 
              the set foam substantially seals around the conduits extending through the opening into                     
              the housing as well as around the perimeter of the opening.  The housing is selected                        
              from the group consisting of secondary pedestal boxes of street lights, secondary                           
              distribution pedestal boxes, telecommunications junction cabinets and pedestals, and                        
              electrical distribution pad mounted switches and circuit breakers.  The insecticide is                      
              selected from the group consisting of acephate, carbaryl, pyrenone, aldicarb and                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007